SPER Rust Preventer ®

SPER Chemical’s Rust Preventer® Formulation is an excellent iron stain preventer for irrigation systems experiencing unsightly rust stains on sidewalks, fencing, and anywhere the irrigation water is sprayed. Our Rust Preventer® treatment has been proven to control the iron molecules in well water systems to keep the iron from precipitating that actually causes the rust staining And, more importantly, our Rust Preventer® is a proven effective alternative to Rid-O-Rust and UnRust products .After years of research, we have developed the most significant formulation for the irrigation iron control industry available. Please contact us for information and please include any specific information you have regarding your system. We will do our best to recommend a dosage and use information based on your watering schedule (hours and days). If you are – or have been using Rid O Rust or UnRust iron control treatment and are not satisified, it’s time for you to use our Rust Preventer® irrigation treatment that is much more effective and less expensive than Rid O Rust and UnRust.
Please visit our Rust Preventer® dedicated website at: https://www.irrigationrustpreventer.com/
Some optional equipment for applying the Rust Preventer® include the following:

The Siphon Tank System is constructed of high density UV resistant polyethylene (PE) 35 gallon capacity. The tank is translucent with 5 gallon increments allowing for visual monitoring of chemical levels without opening the tank. It also comes with an easily adjustable meter (from 0.4 to 2.0 GPH) for exact injection of the proper amount of treatment for your system. Typical treatment concentrations will last for weeks without refilling with water and liquid Rust Preventer®. The system comes complete with all the components necessary to quickly and easily install. See the installation instruction sheet: Siphon Install Instructions
The Chemical Injection System we generally recommend is a Stenner Peristaltic and LMI pump with tank as shown below.